Friday, January 30, 2009

I have a theory.

It is this:

"Your success as a person is defined by your ability to do what should be done".

(The term 'what' includes the concepts of where, when

To do what you should be doing, you have to go through the following stages:

1) Understand where you stand, in life, as a person.

2) Understand where you'd like to be, and how strong that desire is.

3) Understand what you need to do to get there, and what exactly it involves doing.

4) Weigh the costs and benefits of change. If the costs exceed the benefits, but you're still not where you want to be, either,
• Change your method of attaining your goal, or
• Change your goals

5) Once you're all set, define what you should be doing.

6) Do it!

Now comes the interesting part.

How do I fare?

Well, steps 1 through 5 involve logical thinking, which I excel at. Step 6 involve the courage, will-power and determination to change. All of which I lack.

So yeah, I'm stuck at step 5. I know what I should be doing but I'm not doing it. And thus, by my own definition, I have failed as a person.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have low self-confidence. This is not a measure of my worth. It's a measure of how well I've succeeded at life. And I know for a fact that I am surrounded by failures, so there's no lack of company.

But that doesn't mean that I like it. Not one little bit.

Ask yourself honestly, have you succeeded? Do you sleep content, with no regrets about how you performed on that day? I can safely bet that a lot of honest people will say "No.".

So, you ask, why the dismal frame of mind?

I've been trying and failing to get past step 5 for a really long time now. But it's really really hard, with absolutely no-one to drive me. Who's going to catch me not studying? Or skipping class? Or watching movies?

I am not my own master, and I hate it.


ramya said...

I do not agree that we can come up with an algorithm like this. A human's life is very complicated.

The theory that you have proposed holds good for measuring the Professional success.

According to me a person should judge him/herself not just on the professional efficiency but also on another major aspect, which alas! most of us forget. A few more questions that need to be pondered over.
0. Am I any different from the machine in front of me? If not, I am afraid I am at a very dangerous situation.
1. Where do I stand as a human?
2. How much of a difference do I make in the world?

Once you have discovered who you are, you start defining how you want to be identified in your professional life. And yeah! then you follow your algorithm.

I am my master!
Wow!! That is the best part!
I make my decisions, I draw my boundaries, I define my values, virtues, I set my goals and challenges and I decide how to get there. Of course I need motivation, but it is just be a small stimulant.

Ultimately, the strength of the desire to reach the goal is what keeps one going.

Very very Hard. But very efficient. Being away from home, nobody to boss over; I think this is the best time and also high time that we develop this skill.

unsequitur said...

i stand by my theory :
Oh I want to read this post,
But I cannot seem to focus my eyes.

BurningMan said...


Your questions are really very deep/subjective(/I-don't-know-how-to-answer-them :)). Maybe more thought is required on my part.

And you're right, it really is time we learned to survive on our own. If not now, then when?