Monday, May 12, 2008

Blog on!

Yes, I have 3 months of freedom. It started on the first of May and will come to an inglorious end on the 26th of July. So what's a workaholic student (hoho), with no work, supposed to do? Find more work, of course!

For starters, I felt my English vocabulary was getting stained with vague elements of "Inna naina" and "Enta ra maga", so I felt a little bookworm-ism was in order. With this in mind, I picked up Eragon at Landmark, and will now proceed to give my review of the book.

Very LOTR-ish. The resemblances begin with the stereotypical map, flow on through the protagonist's long journeys from point A to B on horses, at breakneck speed, pursued by even faster baddies, and culminate in the overall bad guy ruling the roost, with the protagonist being the only guy who can overthrow him, and 'save us all' ;). That said, Paolini cannot compare with Tolkien. The guy is decent, but leaves a lot to be desired, especially if the last novel that you perused was 'The Return Of The King'.

For those of you who have not read LOTR, or watched the movies alone, without having read the books beforehand, and scooted, do what I did. First, read 'The Hobbit'. Next, keep your comp switched on, with the movies on it, ready to be played, and start reading 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'. Once you have ploughed through a-hundred-and-fifty pages or so, watch the first couple of minutes of the movie. If you've progressed beyond what you've read, return to the book (Don't keep watching. The way the book delivers plot points should not be spoiled by the movie). Do the same for all the three books.

I fell in love with the books and the movies. The books were so damn well written and the movies so artistically portrayed, they seemed ethereal. It has evolved to a point where I can sense what I felt while watching the movies when I listen to some of my dreamier songs.

Ah, it's nice to be alive.


unsequitur said...

nice post ra mama

BurningMan said...

Thank you...

(Mentally sighs, "Appadi, someone read AND commented on my blog. The heavens be praised")

jj said...

yaar da adhe nai? kollelama? ;) WORKAHOLIC???? adhella romba over mama

BurningMan said...

If I meant it why'd I add the 'hoho'? You know how vetti I am :)

Anonymous said...

you read all 3 books of LOTR??!! By any means the books meant for your acads must have been terribly smaller and much less dragging... still can't quite see how you couldn't plough equally well through those books as well.. hmm